August Library News

August Library News

Many of our weekly programs remain paused for the summer months. Euchre is still meeting every Tuesday morning, and the writer's group is going strong meeting every Wednesday evening! For the kids we have lots of fun Summer Clubs happening throughout the month of August. Make sure to tune into the newsletter next month, we some exciting programs coming this Autumn!

Don't forget the deadline to submit your Small Town Short is September 5!

August Library Programs

Weekly Programs


11:00 AM Euchre Time

12:30 The Lunch Bowl


4:00 PM Heritage Hunters

5:30 PM Writer's Group

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Marmora & Lake Public Library

Read more from Marmora & Lake Public Library

September Library News What a great summer! We would like to thank our summer employee, Madeleine, for all her hard work during the season. Our summer reading clubs were a lot of fun. With the arrival of September comes the return of many of our weekly programs and some special events during the month. Scroll down to learn more🍂 September Library Programs Book Club Tuesday Sept. 3 at 10:30am. New members always welcome! Film Afternoon Friday Sept. 6 at 2:30 Join us for popcorn and a movie! We...

July Library News It's Summertime 🌞 Many of our weekly programs have paused for the summer months. Don't worry, we still have a lot of exciting programs scheduled in July! On July 5 we will be having a kick-off party for the Summer Reading Club. Throughout the summer, the library will be having fun programs for kids to join. Don't forget to think of a brilliant short film idea for the Small Town Shorts Film Festival. The library will be hosting a few programs this month to help those...

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